Earn Thousands with Client Referrals

Protect your future sales & earn referral commissions

How Our Referral Program Works

Refer a Client to Us

Fill out the form on the bottom of this page to provide us with your client's information. We'll review your submission and get the process started.

We Contact the Client

Next, a member of our property management team calls your client to walk them through our sales process.

We Pay You

If your client chooses to sign a property management contract, we'll pay you 25% of our leasing fee as a thank you.

Why Refer Clients to Us?

Keep Your Client Base

Sending us customers doesn't mean you'll be ending your relationship with them. Think of it like this: we'll handle property management for your customers, but if and when they want to sell the rental, we'll send them back to you for the sale.

We Make Sure Your Client Stays Happy

We understand how competitive the real estate industry is and we want you to feel confident partnering with our team. We do everything in our power to impress your client and reflect positively on your recommendation to work with us.

Eliminate Your Liability

It's important to protect yourself against unnecessary risk; one of the primary ways to find yourself in a bad situation is by advising a client on rental matters that aren't your area of expertise. Don't put your reputation & your business on the line. Let us keep your client compliant.

Need a Written Contract?

Our referral program is designed to be a mutually beneficial arrangement between us and local Realtor® partners. We're happy to outline the terms and conditions of our referral relationship with you, ensuring we're all on the same page.

Earn Referral Commissions

Every time one of your referred clients chooses to sign a property management contract, we'll pay you 25% of the leasing fee we charge for the unit. Use the calculator on this page to determine how much you could earn with our team.

How Much Could You Earn?

Some Sample Numbers


Numbers are for illustrative purposes only and are not indicative of actual earning potential.

Refer a client to Stork Property Management

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